
Lost Kites and Other Treasures


I can't wait for things to go back to normal, and for the list of things currently worrying Franny Petroski to shrink down to a normal size

Franny never lets anyone know how often she thinks of the charismatic, troubled mom who left her years ago, any more than she talks about the unaccountable things Mom did while she was still in the picture. Life with Nana is safe and secure, and Franny’s innovative art projects fill in any lonesome times.

But when Nana has an accident and Franny’s estranged uncle returns home to help out for a while, some long-guarded family secrets come to light. Franny has to use all of her courage, as well as all of her creativity, to come to terms with the discoveries she makes about her mother—and herself.

From the acclaimed author of 365 Days to Alaska, this moving and heartfelt story examines the objects and people we leave behind, and celebrates the beauty that can be found in the least likely places, if we only stop to look.

“Tenderly explores the pain of family secrets, and the ways that opening up to the truth also opens us up to a new world of love, compassion, and acceptance.”—Kate Albus, award-winning author of A Place to Hang the Moon